Software Testing in 2030
Why I Avoid IDs and CSS Selectors as Locators
I know this topic might seem old, repetitive, and even boring. There are tons of articles online discussing the best locator strategies to make automated UI tests faster and more reliable. So, what’s new I’m going to share? Well, I’m…
An In-Depth Understanding of getByRole in Playwright
Please Stop Celebrating Defects
While browsing LinkedIn (which I rarely do ), I came across a LinkedIn profile where someone was proudly flaunting that they had identified 10,000+ defects as a manual tester. Yes, you read that right, 10000 bugs found and celebrated like…
Characteristics of a Good QA
The Top 7 characteristics of a Good QA Enabler – Remember, you’re not here to block the software delivery process. As a QA, your job is to help the team deliver high-quality software as efficiently as possible. Creative – QAs…
Fluent Wait in Selenium 4: The most comprehensive guide
Waiting is a crucial part of writing reliable and robust Selenium tests. Whether you’re dealing with dynamic content, asynchronous loading, or complex UI interactions, understanding and mastering different wait strategies is key to ensure that consistent result out of the…