Playwright : Print all the attributes of a dom element

Priyanshu S Avatar

Often, I find it helpful to debug HTML elements while locating them in tests by printing the various attributes they contain on the rendered page. To accomplish this, I use a simple piece of code that prints all the attributes as key-value pairs for the rendered page.

[Read, How to wait for API Response in Selenium WebDriver 4?]

A sample code in Playwright to print all the attributes of an element identified by <locator>.

const elementAttributes = await page.$eval("locator", (el) = >{
const attributes = el.attributes;
const attributeMap = {};
for (let i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
attributeMap[attributes[i].name] = attributes[i].value;
return attributeMap;

// Print the attributes and their values
console.log("Element Attributes:");

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